Hello! I'm Olivia Swiftbane and I would like to welcome you to my new blog, A Balance of Life and Death. I created this blog to mainly to record the adventures of my Sorcerer (Olivia Swiftbane), my Theurgist (Rachel Dawnflower) and my Necromancer (Grace Moondust). So if you see my characters in the game, don't be afraid to say hello! Most of the time I play in the Drake realm or the Phoenix realm.
I will also be recording little things I pick up along my journey through the spiral here, and any events from DoaW that I get to participate in. Right now, I'm a Crowns player, but I hope to get a subscription soon and not be stuck in Krokotopia for the rest of my wizardly life :P
Anyway, today I was listening to the Ravenwood Radio (http://www.ravenwoodradio.com/) and am sorry to say that I did miss the Ravenwood Ball. I was out of town with no internet at the time, and I dearly wish I had been there. Well, thanks for reading and keep your eye out for more posts!
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