Monday, July 11, 2011

Krokotopian Adventures

Usually, it is hard to be sympathetic towards enemies in the Spiral. I mean, they attack you for no reason and try to knock you out (or in some cases, already have). Sometimes I want to scream "What did I do wrong?" when I get attacked when I'm walking on the edge of the sidewalk. I believe that the Chamber of the Charmed has changed my opinion on Manders, though (especially the cage). They look so pitiful walking around in circles like that. Their cruel oppression from the Tuts, and their sad history has made me a bit more kind-hearted towards them. Oh yea, and by "kind-hearted", I mean that I wont overkill and I will try to use more of my weaker spells on them. All good fun :)

I was wondering about something today while I was wandering through the Pyramid of the Sun. Why is it that the Order of the Fang, who are mostly Kroks, wrote the Krokonomicon? The Krokonomicon is a book of Life and Death magic, and yet I have not seen a single Life or Death Krok. They are all Elemental or Balance. How strange...

Also, I don't get why all the Lv 18 School Quests have to involve talking to Niles. What's so special about him?? Anyway, I have no Crowns left to buy the Krokosphinx area yet, so it looks like I'll have to wait for my subscription to continue with that.

Tomorrow I hope to level up my Necromancer a bit more, and finish Firecat Alley. In my opinion, Firecat Alley is the hardest of the 3 Olde Town streets. Then again, that's only my opinion.

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