I was wondering about something today while I was wandering through the Pyramid of the Sun. Why is it that the Order of the Fang, who are mostly Kroks, wrote the Krokonomicon? The Krokonomicon is a book of Life and Death magic, and yet I have not seen a single Life or Death Krok. They are all Elemental or Balance. How strange...
Also, I don't get why all the Lv 18 School Quests have to involve talking to Niles. What's so special about him?? Anyway, I have no Crowns left to buy the Krokosphinx area yet, so it looks like I'll have to wait for my subscription to continue with that.
Tomorrow I hope to level up my Necromancer a bit more, and finish Firecat Alley. In my opinion, Firecat Alley is the hardest of the 3 Olde Town streets. Then again, that's only my opinion.
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